Tag: Google Slides

5 ways to up your maths game with Google Workspace tools

During 2109 I worked with over 1,700 teachers and there was overwhelmingly one question that I was asked most often, “How can I use digital technologies in my maths program?”.

This blog will get you started with five ideas for using G Suite tools purposefully in your maths program.

Up your Slide Design Game

How many slides have your students produced – whether it be in Google Slides or Microsoft’s PowerPoint – where there has been little, or no, thought given to the design of the slides? This blog will look at four sites designed to easily solve this problem for you.

How to use the Google Slides Master feature purposefully

Google Slides is one of my favourite tools when it comes to creating purposeful and relevant tasks for students within G Suite for Education. There are just so many ways you can utilise this tool, and using the master slides feature is one of the lesser known gems. This blog explores a way to encourage more student agency with this option.

How to make a single Google Doc available offline

Many of us are now working with a G Suite account as our primary source of a digital word processing tool. Some of us are using it as our secondary source – but whichever way we are doing it, there are times when we just may want to access it offline. Here’s a way to do it with just a few minutes of forward planning.

Tips for inserting pictures into Google Docs and Slides

More and more teachers and students are using G Suite to redefine the learning journey. Teachers are using technology to increase student agency by supporting students to reflect on their learning and think critically and creatively. By showing students how to use the insert > camera image tool in G Suite students will be well placed to do this

How to Fix Language & Country settings in Google Docs, Sheets & Slides

Have you been frustrated by your Google Docs, Sheets or Slides having the wrong measurement, date, currency or language settings for your country? If so, you’ll love this simple fix! In this blog post, I’ll explain how changing the language settings in your Google account (via Google Drive) will solve this problem for good.

Improve your Design Skills in Google

All teachers are designers. By mastering a few simple techniques, you can be sure the resources that you create and use engage all students. This is not just about making things look good, as effective design can make information more accessible and easier to navigate.

How to Edit Images Inside Google Docs & Slides

Image editing is one of things that can seem a little daunting. However, Google Docs and Google Slides both include some basic image editing tools that are very easy for anyone to use! In this blog post, we’ll show you how to use each of the tools available to put your own flair on images.

How to Use Google Slides in the Classroom to Develop Student Agency – Part Two

Google Slides is one of the most versatile apps in the G Suite suitcase and can be used very effectively to provide more student agency within your classroom. The ability to link within slide decks or out to other files can add another level of functionality for both the teacher and the student. This is part two of a three part series.

How to Use Google Slides in the Classroom to Develop Student Agency – Part One

Google Slides is one of the most versatile apps in the G Suite suitcase and can be used very effectively to provide student agency within your classroom. The ability to link within slide decks, or out to other files can add another level of functionality for both the teacher and the student. This is part one of a three part series.