Category: STEAM

3 ways to use your iPads without relying on wifi

Do you have iPads in your classroom but the wifi isn’t always reliable? Instead of ditching them in frustration, read on to find ways you could incorporate them into your classroom practice – without the need for an internet connection.

How to easily remove the background of a photo

A question we often get asked is how can the background of a photo be removed to create a png image.
Until recently the answer involved a few steps and sometimes quite a bit of fiddling around. Now – if you are connected to the internet – the answer has become a whole lot easier.

Watch the video below to see how simple the process can now be.

Improve your organisation and efficiency with Google Keep

Haven’t tried out Google Keep yet? Only using it for the basics? The capabilities of this awesome tool to improve organisation and efficiency make it a personal favourite of mine. Google Keep allows you to capture your thoughts in multiple ways, sort them, share them and search through them with ease.

Want to save time? Get to know your keyboard shortcuts

Ever wondered how you could save some time and be more efficient with your workflow? One solution could be to use keyboard shortcuts and save yourself an average of 8 days per year! Yes, 8 days! How was that calculated and what can you do with this information? Read on to find out.

Improve your Design Skills in Google

All teachers are designers. By mastering a few simple techniques, you can be sure the resources that you create and use engage all students. This is not just about making things look good, as effective design can make information more accessible and easier to navigate.

Hour of Code – Brilliant resource for you and your students!

Coding is a great way for your students to put computational thinking into action. The Hour of Code resources are an exceptional place to explore and be guided through some coding activities. Awesome for teachers who may be feeling uncertain and great for students to get stuck into some cool coding challenges as the tutorials are clear and easy to follow.

Three Ways To Use The Screen Recording Tool on iPads

Capturing evidence of a student’s learning is vital in order to be able to show how you know, and how they know, they have been successful. I’ll share three different ways you can leverage this tool in your class programme to showcase students’ learning.

Know what you don’t know – Four strategies to help you take control of change

In education it seems change is the only constant. Schools are rapidly integrating new ways of teaching and learning in order to make the most of new technologies and innovative ideas. It is difficult for school leaders and teachers to stay perfectly in tune with best practice and emerging trends and as several teachers have told me this last week, ‘We just don’t know what we don’t know!’.

Three Awesome Maths Sites for Basic Facts Practise

Do you want to use devices in your maths programme but don’t want your students playing any old maths games? Do you want the learning to be purposeful and targeted to your students needs? Read on the discover three sites that fit the brief.

How To Integrate the Micro:bit In Classroom Activities

How do we use STEAM tools and ideas in our everyday classroom programmes without it being just one more thing we have to include in an already incredibly busy environment? The micro:bit offers an excellent entry point. With some subtle adjustments we can begin to incorporate coding into what we are already doing.

How To Get Onboard with the New Digital Technology Curriculum

The New Zealand Digital Technologies Curriculum is now in its draft from and teachers all around NZ have begun to implement it in their classrooms. But are you one of the many teachers who are sitting there thinking about where on earth to begin with it, and how will you possibly be able to fit one more thing into your already frantic class timetable?