Hour of Code – Brilliant resource for you and your students!

Coding is a great way for your students to put computational thinking into action. The Hour of Code resources are an exceptional place to explore and be guided through some coding activities. And they’re FREE!

Awesome for teachers who may be feeling uncertain and great for students to get stuck into some cool coding challenges as the tutorials are clear and easy to follow.

[bctt tweet=”Coding is a great way for your students to put computational thinking into action!” username=”lara_kirk”]



Computational Thinking is one of the two new areas in the New Zealand Digital Technologies Curriculum and is an important part of Digital Technologies curriculums around the world.

Coding is a part of computational thinking and computer science. It’s where students can build their own programmes and watch their code come to life.

(image source: www.gettingsmart.com)

Hour of Code has a range of activities (designed to take around one hour) for all ages of students, subjects and interests.

The website itself says…

“The Hour of Code started as a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify “code”, to show that anybody can learn the basics, and to broaden participation in the field of computer science. It has since become a worldwide effort to celebrate computer science, starting with 1-hour coding activities but expanding to all sorts of community efforts. Check out the tutorials and activities. This grassroots campaign is supported by over 400 partners and 200,000 educators worldwide.”

I love how easy it is to search within the website to find what your students need – or teach them how to search for appropriate activities and let them choose their own pathways!

With the end of the year coming up for schools in New Zealand and Australia, sometimes class programmes can fall a little flat with all the admin and celebrations often taking place. Keep your programme rich, engaging and rewarding for your students by using Hour of Code.

[bctt tweet=”Encourage, engage and inspire your students with #hourofcode resources!” username=”lara_kirk”]


If you know teachers who are feeling uncomfortable and unsure about how to get started – make sure you share Hour of Code with them. Encourage them to sit and code alongside their students to find out what it’s all about.

[bctt tweet=”#hourofcode – the perfect place to start exploring coding for students and teachers alike!” username=”lara_kirk”]



This week is also Computer Science Education Week so a perfect time to get into some coding!

For more great blog posts and to see if there are any events coming up near you check out the Using Technology Better website.

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