How to easily remove the background of a photo

A question we often get asked is how can the background of a photo be removed to create a png. (A photo that has a transparent background and so it appears to be just the subject within the space.)

[bctt tweet=”Remove the background from a photo with just one click!” username=”donnagolightly1″]


Until recently the answer involved a few steps and sometimes quite a bit of fiddling around. Now – if you are connected to the internet – the answer has become a whole lot easier.

[bctt tweet=”No more fiddling around to remove the background from your photos!” username=”donnagolightly1″]


Watch the video below to see how simple the process can now be.

To find free high-quality images your students can use check out Sam’s blog here or to quickly share the fabulous images your students could make read about Awesome Photo Gallery here.

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