Tag: Google Docs

Three Awesome Maths Sites for Basic Facts Practise

Do you want to use devices in your maths programme but don’t want your students playing any old maths games? Do you want the learning to be purposeful and targeted to your students needs? Read on the discover three sites that fit the brief.

How to rename a version history in Google Docs, Slides or Sheets.

I’ve always loved the Revision History feature in Google Docs. Being able to go back and see the changes that have been made, and who made them, has many advantages. A recent update to what is now called Version History allows us to name different versions as changes are made. What does this mean for teachers?

How to give feedback super easily in Google Classroom

Giving feedback to students can often be a timely exercise – well, no more! The newly updated Google Classroom has just solved that for you with a grading system that makes it super quick for you to insert comments and provide meaningful feedback. Read on to find out how to use it.

How to Edit Images Inside Google Docs & Slides

Image editing is one of things that can seem a little daunting. However, Google Docs and Google Slides both include some basic image editing tools that are very easy for anyone to use! In this blog post, we’ll show you how to use each of the tools available to put your own flair on images.

Share to Classroom – Power up your use of Google Classroom

If you are using Google classroom you’ll love the ‘Share to Classroom’ Chrome extension by Google. Teachers love Google Classroom! Many are only just discovering the ‘Share to Classroom’ extension which allows you to ‘Push’ sites to students and create announcements, assignments and questions quickly and easily. Check out this blog post to see how!

How to Share a Google Doc Four Different Ways

Google Docs is designed to be a collaborative tool and has made the lives of many teachers around the world much easier. It’s a tool that allows for multiple uses and has a huge variety of applications in the classrooms of today. But sometimes you want to share them without others being able to edit them. Here are four ways to do this.

How to use Spell Check in Google Docs, Slides and Sheets

With the development of digital technologies, the mistakes you make in your spelling are becoming easier and easier to fix. Did you realise Google not only has the little red line to help you fix these mistakes, it also has a spell checker built right into Docs, Slides and Sheets.