Tag: Quick tips

How to maintain best practice when teaching remotely

The nature of education is a continually changing landscape and over the years the way it has been delivered should be altering significantly. Sometimes these changes are driven by education research and sometimes they are driven by societal or business influences. Currently many schools across the world are facing a marked shift in how they deliver their curriculums – what makes for best practice when teaching remotely?

5 ways to up your maths game with Google Workspace tools

During 2109 I worked with over 1,700 teachers and there was overwhelmingly one question that I was asked most often, “How can I use digital technologies in my maths program?”.

This blog will get you started with five ideas for using G Suite tools purposefully in your maths program.

Protecting your workflow from the Coronavirus and natural disasters by utilising Microsoft Teams

In our current environment, the certainty of running our schools or businesses the same as always, maintaining efficiency and continuity when disruption occurs can become frustrating. The capacity to pivot key processes so that it is business, as usual, is important. Utilising Microsoft Teams can help this in schools and business.

Here are three areas where you can use familiar tools in G Suite (and a few other free online tools) to empower the students in your classes!

Three ways to empower your students with Google Workspace

I always get so excited when I’m visiting schools and see teachers using technology in ways that EMPOWERS students and completely TRANSFORM learning! The tools they use to do this are varied but many of them are right there, within G Suite!

Here are three areas where you can use familiar tools in G Suite (and a few other free online tools) to empower the students in your classes!

Up your Slide Design Game

How many slides have your students produced – whether it be in Google Slides or Microsoft’s PowerPoint – where there has been little, or no, thought given to the design of the slides? This blog will look at four sites designed to easily solve this problem for you.

What is screencasting all about and why should I do it?

Where has screencasting grown from and why should you worry about whether your students know how to screencast their work? This blog takes a look at where this practice has sprung from and investigates the positive effects that it can have for both you and your students.

Getting started with Jamboard

Jamboard is now a core G Suite app, yet it’s amazing how many people don’t realise it exists. Designed as a collaborative whiteboard tool, it has a number of really useful applications. If this is new to you, read on – this blog will give you all the information you need to get started with this great addition to your suite of tools.

How to Create Page Borders in Google Docs

One of the most common frustrations with teachers who have made the move from Microsoft Word to Google Docs is they miss the ability to create borders on their Google Docs – like they could in Word.
And they are right. There is no page border tool in Google Docs. However there are a couple of workarounds that allow you to do it. This blog will show you how.

How to use the Google Slides Master feature purposefully

Google Slides is one of my favourite tools when it comes to creating purposeful and relevant tasks for students within G Suite for Education. There are just so many ways you can utilise this tool, and using the master slides feature is one of the lesser known gems. This blog explores a way to encourage more student agency with this option.

Four ways to move beyond substitution with the SAMR model

Classrooms all over the world are now filled with all sorts of amazing technology, but the big question is,’How well is this technology being used?’
Using it for substitution is a great place to begin if you’re new to it, but it should never be a place to stay. This blog looks at four ways to use digital devices beyond the substitution level.