Tag: Pedagogy

Curriculum Mapping Part III

Our trainers are asked frequently if we have a curriculum map linking Digital Technologies to other curriculum areas, across age groups and levels. The answer is yes, but not for you! Curriculum Mapping needs to be aligned with school wide strategy, values, community and more. There is no one size fits all. In order to create a meaningful, useful, relevant map that serves your learners many things must be considered. This blog series explores how you can do just that.

Curriculum Mapping Blog Part II

Our trainers are asked frequently if we have a curriculum map linking Digital Technologies to other curriculum areas, across age groups and levels. The answer is yes, but not for you! Curriculum Mapping needs to be aligned with school wide strategy, values, community and more. There is no one size fits all. In order to create a meaningful, useful, relevant map that serves your learners many things must be considered. This blog series explores how you can do just that.

How to maintain best practice when teaching remotely

The nature of education is a continually changing landscape and over the years the way it has been delivered should be altering significantly. Sometimes these changes are driven by education research and sometimes they are driven by societal or business influences. Currently many schools across the world are facing a marked shift in how they deliver their curriculums – what makes for best practice when teaching remotely?

Three ways to empower your students with Google Workspace

I always get so excited when I’m visiting schools and see teachers using technology in ways that EMPOWERS students and completely TRANSFORM learning! The tools they use to do this are varied but many of them are right there, within G Suite!

Here are three areas where you can use familiar tools in G Suite (and a few other free online tools) to empower the students in your classes!

Up your Slide Design Game

How many slides have your students produced – whether it be in Google Slides or Microsoft’s PowerPoint – where there has been little, or no, thought given to the design of the slides? This blog will look at four sites designed to easily solve this problem for you.

Three ways to get started with Minecraft Education Edition

Have your Minecraft Education Edition licenses but not sure where to begin? This blog gives you three ideas to get started in meaningful ways, leading you gently into the wonderful world of Minecraft so that you can transform learning for your students.

What is screencasting all about and why should I do it?

Where has screencasting grown from and why should you worry about whether your students know how to screencast their work? This blog takes a look at where this practice has sprung from and investigates the positive effects that it can have for both you and your students.

It’s about respect

I feel incredibly privileged to be able to do what I do – but sometimes, just sometimes – it frustrates the heck out of me! And everytime I get this feeling, when I stop and analyse it, I realise what’s frustrating me always comes back to one word, respect. Or more often – lack of!
Why is that? Read on to find out more.

Student ICT skills mapping

Students skills and fluency with ICT are just as important as teachers. As students progress through their schooling they are building a certain skill set with using ICT for learning and for life so schools need to consider what this progression looks like and where it is headed. I encourage schools to collaboratively map out students acquisition and mastery of key ICT skills.

Are you seizing the moment?

I began to write this blog on a flight to Sydney. Once the meal service began there was no room for both the food and the iPad. As the iPad took a break, I began to watch ‘Rocketman’ and was struck by a line in the movie; ‘You only get so many chances in life and this is one of yours – so take it and make the most of it.’ How often do we do this in our classrooms?

Four ways to move beyond substitution with the SAMR model

Classrooms all over the world are now filled with all sorts of amazing technology, but the big question is,’How well is this technology being used?’
Using it for substitution is a great place to begin if you’re new to it, but it should never be a place to stay. This blog looks at four ways to use digital devices beyond the substitution level.

5 ways to develop creative STEAM projects.

It is possible to deliver a STEAM project to students which kills creativity. Without significant and purposeful learning design STEAM learning can inhibit the very things we are trying to support students to develop. Here are five tidbits of thought to help you think critically about STEAM and creativity.