Tag: Google Classroom

How to maintain best practice when teaching remotely

The nature of education is a continually changing landscape and over the years the way it has been delivered should be altering significantly. Sometimes these changes are driven by education research and sometimes they are driven by societal or business influences. Currently many schools across the world are facing a marked shift in how they deliver their curriculums – what makes for best practice when teaching remotely?

5 ways to up your maths game with Google Workspace tools

During 2109 I worked with over 1,700 teachers and there was overwhelmingly one question that I was asked most often, “How can I use digital technologies in my maths program?”.

This blog will get you started with five ideas for using G Suite tools purposefully in your maths program.

Free sites for current events

Being aware of the wider world around them is important for our students today, but often the news sites can be inappropriate for younger learners. The challenge is how to make them aware of what’s occurring without exposing them unnecessarily to situations beyond their understanding.This blog will share four sites that are written especially for our younger people.

G Suite - Sweet As. Tips and Tricks from the UTB Team

Google Workspace – Sweet As. Tips and Tricks from the UTB Team.

Here at UTB we do loads of training in G Suite with both corporate and education clients. So often we find that it’s the ‘little things’ that get the biggest reactions from our trainees. These ‘little things’ are usually pretty basic and simple but make a huge impact as they can help to increase your efficiency with tasks that you do everyday.

How to Convert Google Classroom Grades into Letter Grades.

In Google Classroom you have the ability to give feedback, manage and grade student work all in one place. Teachers are able to give students a number grade and the total grade can be customised to your marking system. There is also the ability to copy all grades into a Google Sheet, allowing teachers to work with student data in powerful ways.

How to give feedback super easily in Google Classroom

Giving feedback to students can often be a timely exercise – well, no more! The newly updated Google Classroom has just solved that for you with a grading system that makes it super quick for you to insert comments and provide meaningful feedback. Read on to find out how to use it.

Share to Classroom – Power up your use of Google Classroom

If you are using Google classroom you’ll love the ‘Share to Classroom’ Chrome extension by Google. Teachers love Google Classroom! Many are only just discovering the ‘Share to Classroom’ extension which allows you to ‘Push’ sites to students and create announcements, assignments and questions quickly and easily. Check out this blog post to see how!

Keep track of student grades in Google Classroom

In Google Classroom, you can assign grades to question and assignment tasks given to your students. Although Classroom does not yet have an in-built gradebook, it is still possible to keep track of student grades across different tasks using a linked Google Sheet. This shows students’ grades for each task, as well as average grades for individual students and the class.

Google Classroom Scripts You Can Use

Is Google scripts and coding just for the experts?

Alice Keeler and Mike Reading talk about how you can get started with Coding in Google Apps. Alice lists a number of resources to get started on your coding journey.