Tag: Devices

What is screencasting all about and why should I do it?

Where has screencasting grown from and why should you worry about whether your students know how to screencast their work? This blog takes a look at where this practice has sprung from and investigates the positive effects that it can have for both you and your students.

Getting started with Jamboard

Jamboard is now a core G Suite app, yet it’s amazing how many people don’t realise it exists. Designed as a collaborative whiteboard tool, it has a number of really useful applications. If this is new to you, read on – this blog will give you all the information you need to get started with this great addition to your suite of tools.

Customise the Control Centre on your classroom iPads

There are a lot of great features within your iPad that are often unknown to teachers. These can be organised into your Control Centre for quick access. From locking your students into particular apps to recording the screen, even having text read aloud to you! Find out how you can take control and customise your Control Centre.

Four ways to move beyond substitution with the SAMR model

Classrooms all over the world are now filled with all sorts of amazing technology, but the big question is,’How well is this technology being used?’
Using it for substitution is a great place to begin if you’re new to it, but it should never be a place to stay. This blog looks at four ways to use digital devices beyond the substitution level.

Encourage Students to use spare time purposefully

As learning becomes more self directed and students work collaboratively more often, we tend to have times when some have finished and some haven’t. Rather than letting those finished have ‘free time’ how about designing some form of a choice board with purposeful, engaging activities that develop 21st century Skills.
Here are four ideas you could include.

How to make a single Google Doc available offline

Many of us are now working with a G Suite account as our primary source of a digital word processing tool. Some of us are using it as our secondary source – but whichever way we are doing it, there are times when we just may want to access it offline. Here’s a way to do it with just a few minutes of forward planning.

How to easily remove the background of a photo

A question we often get asked is how can the background of a photo be removed to create a png image.
Until recently the answer involved a few steps and sometimes quite a bit of fiddling around. Now – if you are connected to the internet – the answer has become a whole lot easier.

Watch the video below to see how simple the process can now be.

Want to save time? Get to know your keyboard shortcuts

Ever wondered how you could save some time and be more efficient with your workflow? One solution could be to use keyboard shortcuts and save yourself an average of 8 days per year! Yes, 8 days! How was that calculated and what can you do with this information? Read on to find out.

How to make your handwriting editable text

Sometimes it’s simply quicker and easier to hand write the notes you want to take. But what happens to them once you’ve written them? Well here’s 2 ways to save those notes and make them editable text at the same time.

Three Awesome Maths Sites for Basic Facts Practise

Do you want to use devices in your maths programme but don’t want your students playing any old maths games? Do you want the learning to be purposeful and targeted to your students needs? Read on the discover three sites that fit the brief.

Is your Google Chrome Browser Up To Date?

Is Google Chrome your browser of choice? Are you regularly diving in to websites and Google tools through the Chrome web browser?
So just when was the last time that you checked it was up to date?