Category: Uncategorized


5 simple things you can do to make your MacBook run faster

Are you getting frustrated with the speed of your MacBook? Often this is a sign that either you have too many applications running or you may need an upgrade. If neither of these solves your issues then there are 5 simple things you can do to make your make run like a Cheetah again!

Skate Park Pedagogy

Why in schools, do we seem to snuff out this natural enthusiasm? The level of concentration in the eyes of the young people trying to learn new tricks was supported by encouragement and advice from their peers. Natural collaboration, community and culture. The skaters controlled their learning, broke big tricks down into a series of smaller ones and slowly increased the level of “danger” as confidence grew. All controlled by themselves.


How to find Google images with reuse licenses on an iPad iOS

Schools that are using digital tools for learning are developing their student’s understanding of what it means to be a good ‘Digital Citizen.’ One aspect of this is knowing how to use digital content from the web in responsible ways. For example, we shouldn’t just take someone’s photo from the web and use it without checking the usage rights on that image.


How to make a 3 Shot Movie on iPads and Chromebooks

This is such an easy way to structure a short movie, a great way to tell a story, and it’s a good exercise to take the students through. You can easily see these forms of shots in other movies when you know to look for them.

You Can be 100% better in 70 days

How to become 100% better at something in 70 days

I love how you can apply mathematical principles to your teaching and school improvement plans. This principle when applied to school improvement can make a massive and sustainable change to your culture and practise.

Here is how you can make large scale changes and reduce resistance to change.