The Impact of Microsoft 365 Adoption Training on Organisational Productivity and Employee Well-being

As organisations continue integrating technology into their workflows, adopting productivity and efficiency tools like Microsoft 365 have become pivotal.

The focus will be collaboration,
communication, creativity, employee
well-being, and satisfaction.
To illustrate the benefits, this short
report draws on Microsoft’s customer
success stories.

This short report aims to analyse the
differences between organisations
that provide technology training and
adoption support for Microsoft 365
tools to their employees versus those
that do not.

Collaboration and Communication:

Organisations prioritising technology adoption training for Microsoft 365
consistently report improved team collaboration and communication.

According to a survey conducted by
McKinsey & Company, companies
that effectively utilise collaboration
tools witness a 20-25% increase in

For instance, SoftBank Robotics
reported a 30% reduction in email
after adopting
Teams, resulting in faster decisionmaking and improved project

Microsoft Teams, a part of the
Microsoft 365 suite, has proven to
enhance cross-functional

Creativity and Innovation:

Training employees to leverage
Microsoft 365 tools foster a culture of
creativity and innovation.
The inclusion of applications like
OneNote and SharePoint encourages
idea-sharing and project

A Microsoft case study on The Hershey
Company revealed that by utilising
SharePoint for collaborative ideation,
the company reduced the time it took
to develop new product concepts by
50%, enhancing its competitive edge.

Employee Well-being and Satisfaction:

Organisations that invest in
technology adoption training often
experience improved employee
wellbeing and satisfaction.

Microsoft’s customer success story
with BDO Canada underscores this
impact, highlighting a 20% increase in
employee satisfaction after the
effective Microsoft 365 adoption.

Remote work, while offering flexibility,
can lead to isolation and burnout.
Microsoft 365 tools can mitigate
these issues by facilitating virtual

A study by the Harvard Business
Review found that organisations
promoting digital proficiency
observed a 17% increase in
employee satisfaction.

Customer Success Stories:

Microsoft’s customer success stories provide concrete evidence of the benefits
of technology adoption training.

Take LEGO, for instance, which
implemented Microsoft Teams. The
company reported a 20% improvement
in collaboration efficiency and a 15%
boost in innovation speed, directly
attributable to Teams’ enhanced
communication capabilities.

Similarly, Dentsu Aegis Network saw a
75% reduction in project completion
time after adopting Microsoft 365

What to make of it all?

In an increasingly digital world,
organisations prioritising technology
adoption training for Microsoft 365
empower their employees to
collaborate seamlessly, enhance
creativity, and improve overall wellbeing and satisfaction.

Microsoft’s customer success stories
further validate the positive impact
of training on organisational
productivity and employee

As businesses evolve, investing in training and adoption support for Microsoft
365 proves to be a strategic imperative for unlocking enhanced performance
and employee contentment.

Reach out to us for a personalised chat about how Using Technology Better
can guide you through these impressive gains. Together, we’ll craft a strategy
that improves your team’s collaboration, communication, creativity,
innovation, productivity, well-being and satisfaction.

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