Tag: Google Keep

Google Keep Top Tip

Google Keep is amazing. So it’s kind of a bit like a hybrid sticky note. Kind of task list, just ways to capture information that you want to keep hence the name so if you’ve not seen it before, when you have got any G suite tool open or you’re even on the Google search page.

Improve your organisation and efficiency with Google Keep

Haven’t tried out Google Keep yet? Only using it for the basics? The capabilities of this awesome tool to improve organisation and efficiency make it a personal favourite of mine. Google Keep allows you to capture your thoughts in multiple ways, sort them, share them and search through them with ease.

How to make your handwriting editable text

Sometimes it’s simply quicker and easier to hand write the notes you want to take. But what happens to them once you’ve written them? Well here’s 2 ways to save those notes and make them editable text at the same time.

Why Doing One Thing is a Good Thing

What is potentially the most common phrase ever spoken by teachers?
“I’m just so busy! There’s never enough time.”
And they would be right. It can be a frantic job. That’s why doing just one thing might be just what is needed. Read on to see what I mean.

Extract text from images

Extract text from images

How often have you gone to use an older resource that is still relevant to the current learning in your classroom programme – but the effort to retype it and be able to use it digitally is just too much? Well, now there’s an easy solution. Simply take a photo of it and extract the text using Google Keep.

Google Keep vs Apple Notes

Now with iOS11, Apple Notes has a lot more functionality and ‘cool things’ that makes it a great alternative to Google Keep. When you line them up next to each other on a mobile device, which one comes up trumps?