Tag: eReady

Curriculum Mapping Part III

Our trainers are asked frequently if we have a curriculum map linking Digital Technologies to other curriculum areas, across age groups and levels. The answer is yes, but not for you! Curriculum Mapping needs to be aligned with school wide strategy, values, community and more. There is no one size fits all. In order to create a meaningful, useful, relevant map that serves your learners many things must be considered. This blog series explores how you can do just that.

Curriculum Mapping Blog Part II

Our trainers are asked frequently if we have a curriculum map linking Digital Technologies to other curriculum areas, across age groups and levels. The answer is yes, but not for you! Curriculum Mapping needs to be aligned with school wide strategy, values, community and more. There is no one size fits all. In order to create a meaningful, useful, relevant map that serves your learners many things must be considered. This blog series explores how you can do just that.

Student ICT skills mapping

Students skills and fluency with ICT are just as important as teachers. As students progress through their schooling they are building a certain skill set with using ICT for learning and for life so schools need to consider what this progression looks like and where it is headed. I encourage schools to collaboratively map out students acquisition and mastery of key ICT skills.

How to watch a YouTube video effectively

How useful is YouTube when you are wanting to learn a new skill? You can find tutorials on almost anything! One thing students can often struggle with though, is flicking back and forward between tabs to try something out, then going back to view the next step. Well no more! Read on to find out about a super easy way to enable the Picture in Picture mode.

Want to save time? Get to know your keyboard shortcuts

Ever wondered how you could save some time and be more efficient with your workflow? One solution could be to use keyboard shortcuts and save yourself an average of 8 days per year! Yes, 8 days! How was that calculated and what can you do with this information? Read on to find out.

How To Get Onboard with the New Digital Technology Curriculum

The New Zealand Digital Technologies Curriculum is now in its draft from and teachers all around NZ have begun to implement it in their classrooms. But are you one of the many teachers who are sitting there thinking about where on earth to begin with it, and how will you possibly be able to fit one more thing into your already frantic class timetable?

How to Share a Google Doc Four Different Ways

Google Docs is designed to be a collaborative tool and has made the lives of many teachers around the world much easier. It’s a tool that allows for multiple uses and has a huge variety of applications in the classrooms of today. But sometimes you want to share them without others being able to edit them. Here are four ways to do this.

New years resolutions

What leads to success in your school, class or business?

One of the watershed moments in my teaching career was when I was reflecting on my struggles with a particularly hard class. This class were close to be uncontrollable and I felt like much of my time was spent being a juvenile justice officer. I felt like I did very little teaching and a lot of disciplining.

As I reflected on those students, it occurred to me, that those students didn’t wake up each morning strategizing how to fail more. They really did want to be successful at something.

So if they wanted to be successful, why were they acting this way?