Minecraft Innovative Formative Assessment Practices: Part II
Getting your students engaged can often
Getting your students engaged can often
Many teachers use the iPad Teams app but are unaware that you can in fact broadcast any application live to a Teams Channel. This opens up an entirely new toolset to share instructional videos with your students. Book Creator, Keynote, SeeSaw, Procreate and all of your other favourite apps come to life in the Teams App for iPad for the first time.
If you are organising the learning for your staff, you know that it is near impossible to organise anything that pleases everyone!
Let’s take a step back and look at WHY you are organising profession learning opportunities for your staff…
It’s time for Gmail and let me tell you I’ve been doing this for a long time with Gmail and I’m going to put out a scenario to you all and I can’t see if you’re nodding but my guess is going to be, you will.
Why is it that in schools, more often than not, we simply ask students to ‘write’ their story. In many cultures, their traditions and histories are passed on mainly through the rituals of oral, not written, storytelling. This blog looks at a more creative way for students to tell their story.
There is a lot of talk in education at the moment about teaching our students about having a growth mindset, about perseverance, and having grit.
Here is what I have noticed about teachers and growth mindset in my teacher training seminars.
When you go to the training centre, and if you just google search Google education training centre, you’ll come up to a page that will look something like this, and you have access to the different certifications here on the left hand side.
There is a lot of talk in education at the moment about teaching our students about having a growth mindset, about perseverance, and having grit.
Here is what I have noticed about teachers and growth mindset in my teacher training seminars.
In this podcast, Mike, Mark and Adrian debrief after the ISTE conference in San Antonio.
We discuss:
Whether we saw anything innovative
What STEM tools we saw that we liked
How can we reach further into your organisation and equip slow adopters
Tips to get the most out of conferences
And more.
Before making any decisions around which