Tag: Book Creator

Using Book Creator in the Chrome Browser

Book Creator is a favourite tool of mine for demonstrating how to create impactful, authentic digital outcomes eBooks in classrooms. Many teachers are familiar with the iPad app but haven’t seen all the great things you can do when you use Book Creator in a browser. Check out these features that you may not know about!

Three Ways To Use The Screen Recording Tool on iPads

Capturing evidence of a student’s learning is vital in order to be able to show how you know, and how they know, they have been successful. I’ll share three different ways you can leverage this tool in your class programme to showcase students’ learning.

Favourite Classroom iPad App_2

Why Book Creator is my favourite classroom iPad app

When you’re describing your favourite of something there’s always the tension of ‘What am I leaving out?’ There are probably 10 or so iPad apps that I regularly use the most but if you were going to ask, which iPad app should a teacher start with and master first, it would be Book Creator…hands down!