Favourite Teacher Quotes & Posters From The Week (11th May)

teacher quote

There is no doubt about it, teachers are busy!

To help busy teachers stay on top of some of the discussions that are taking place in education, I thought I’d collate a few of my favourite quotes, tweets and thoughts from the week.

I’ve also added a summary of what I have posted on the blog this week, plus a few posts from the archives which are getting the most reads.

Favourite Tweets



I always finRT1d it interesting to observe the collaboration culture in schools.  Often teachers expect their students to work together on group tasks, collaborate on assignments, whilst in the staffroom very little collaboration occurs.

Extend this beyond the staff room to schools that collaborate with other schools and this become rarer still.

You best resource isn’t your textbooks or Google search, it is each other!

2. Should educators be encouraged to tweet? Only if you want your school to be relevant.


I always love to see the discussion that occurs around tweets like this (they are usually 1 sided).

Obviously teachers who use Twitter love this quote.  What what about teachers that aren’t?

Are these teachers irrelevant?

What are your thoughts?

3. Characteristics Of A Culture Of Learning


If you have been to any of my courses you will know that culture is of particular interest to me.  Culture seems to be one of the single biggest influences in behaviour.

[bctt tweet=”Culture seems to be one of the single biggest influences in behaviour. #edchat #edu #cpchat”]

What is the culture of your school?

Favourite Quotes

1. Great teachers focus not on compliance but on connections and relationships.

[bctt tweet=”There is a world of difference between compliance and engagement in the classroom #Quote #usetechbetter “]


2. Technology should never drive instruction.  It’s role is to support and enhance learning.


Fresh from the Blog

1. Who is driving your technology agenda?

A look at one of the influences to our decision making process when schools are looking at BYOD or a 1:1 technology plan.


2. Dealing with Data

A look at how you can use Google search effectively with your students.


3. Using Google Ngram viewer to demonstrate trends over time

This is a great tool that allows you to see how a word has been used over time in literature.  You can compare words and see trends.


From the Archives

1. How to Tell if a Website is Down?

This simple website is great for schools.  Downforeveryoneorjustme pings the website you are trying to load and will tell you if it is down for everyone or just you.


2. How to use podcasting to transform your classroom into a thriving, connected, community?

In this Using Technology Better Show Blake and I speak with Andrew Douch about how he uses podcasts to deliver content to students.


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