Conditional formatting and data validation in a Google Sheet

Often when we have a spreadsheet with a lot of data it can be hard to quickly find what you want. Sometimes the data that has been entered is not in a format you can use easily. By using colour and restricting the data that can be entered into the Google Sheet this hurdle can be lowered. Within a Google Sheet there are two functions that can help:

1. Conditional formatting, which allows you to colour cells based on a condition like the size of a number, or even apply a colour scale to bring more clarity to your Google Sheet.
2. Data Validation, which allows you to create a drop-down list of items or regulate what data can be entered in a cell.

Watch this video to learn how to use these tools to further develop your skills in gaining insights into your data and to build a Google Sheet that can be used easily by others.

[bctt tweet=”Want to learn how to easily find and analyse data in #Google #Sheets? Watch this video on conditional formatting and data validation. Great tips for great solutions!” username=”adifrancis”]


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