Category: Leadership

3 steps to developing a PD plan that actually works

If you are organising the learning for your staff, you know that it is near impossible to organise anything that pleases everyone!
Let’s take a step back and look at WHY you are organising profession learning opportunities for your staff…

Our top 10 Gmail questions from 2019 answered!

Gmail courses are always one of our most popular, which is not surprising given that so many people seem to be overwhelmed by their email. To help you use your email better in 2020, we have collated a list of the top 10 questions we were asked about Gmail in 2019, and given you the answers!

It’s about respect

I feel incredibly privileged to be able to do what I do – but sometimes, just sometimes – it frustrates the heck out of me! And everytime I get this feeling, when I stop and analyse it, I realise what’s frustrating me always comes back to one word, respect. Or more often – lack of!
Why is that? Read on to find out more.

Student ICT skills mapping

Students skills and fluency with ICT are just as important as teachers. As students progress through their schooling they are building a certain skill set with using ICT for learning and for life so schools need to consider what this progression looks like and where it is headed. I encourage schools to collaboratively map out students acquisition and mastery of key ICT skills.

Are you seizing the moment?

I began to write this blog on a flight to Sydney. Once the meal service began there was no room for both the food and the iPad. As the iPad took a break, I began to watch ‘Rocketman’ and was struck by a line in the movie; ‘You only get so many chances in life and this is one of yours – so take it and make the most of it.’ How often do we do this in our classrooms?

Ideas for building positive relationships with parents

Besides the students in your school, one of the next most important groups of people are your student’s parents. Building positive relationships with parents is not always an easy journey – but there are some things we can do to help establish positive relationships with them. Here are five ideas to help with this.

Collaborative Goal Setting

Education is a demanding and complex occupation and educators can often be time poor so at the forefront of my mind when supporting a school is the importance of clarity and cohesion. These two keys elements in supporting empowering change are summed up nicely by one of my favourite Māori quotes, ‘He waka eke noa, We’re all in this together’

How to effect change with your colleagues – some tips for effective training.

One of the things I love the most about my job is the opportunity I have to meet with so many dedicated teachers. Our schools have some amazing teachers who are doing fantastic things within their programmes. But like anything, some are more digitally savvy than others. Inspiring the less digitally savvy to join the digital revolution can be challenging. Here’s some ideas to help you effect that change.

When Good Tech Goes Bad

We’ve all had that moment. That moment when your tech lets you down. The computer freezes and won’t move on, the screen goes black…. if this happens when you are presenting in front of a group of people it can really send you into a spin. Here’s a few thoughts on this and a couple of tips too.