Tag: Pedagogy

When Good Tech Goes Bad

We’ve all had that moment. That moment when your tech lets you down. The computer freezes and won’t move on, the screen goes black…. if this happens when you are presenting in front of a group of people it can really send you into a spin. Here’s a few thoughts on this and a couple of tips too.

Blogger for Teacher Appraisal

Using Google Blogger is not only a great way to reflect on your practice but it also offers an efficient way to align samples of your practice with the Teaching Standards. I have seen many teacher blogs which are done on Google Slides or Sites but the awesome thing about Blogger is that you can label your evidence with the Teaching Standards.

Know what you don’t know – Four strategies to help you take control of change

In education it seems change is the only constant. Schools are rapidly integrating new ways of teaching and learning in order to make the most of new technologies and innovative ideas. It is difficult for school leaders and teachers to stay perfectly in tune with best practice and emerging trends and as several teachers have told me this last week, ‘We just don’t know what we don’t know!’.

Three Awesome Maths Sites for Basic Facts Practise

Do you want to use devices in your maths programme but don’t want your students playing any old maths games? Do you want the learning to be purposeful and targeted to your students needs? Read on the discover three sites that fit the brief.

Why Doing One Thing is a Good Thing

What is potentially the most common phrase ever spoken by teachers?
“I’m just so busy! There’s never enough time.”
And they would be right. It can be a frantic job. That’s why doing just one thing might be just what is needed. Read on to see what I mean.

A Message about Learning from Stephen Hawking

When was the last time you reflected on the suite of tools that you are using? Are you a Google user or are you a Microsoft user? Or are you taking the best from each?
It was wise words from Stephen Hawking that made me rethink my approach.

QR codes and your classroom

QR codes and your classroom

QR (Quick Response) codes are a great tool for using in your classroom. The latest software in smartphones has the capability to read them from the camera app, and it’s quick and easy to download a QR code reader if not. Use them to engage your students, bring classroom displays to life digitally and more!

Back to School

The start of a school year and technology

The start of the school year with technology can be messy, but by following these five steps your journey may be easier ! The relationships they help build with students will create a sense of community and belonging with technology assisting learning.

google docs explore

Use the Google Docs Explore tool to build student research skills

The Explore tool lets students search for websites, images and Google Drive files without leaving Google Docs. They can also cite the web sources they find with just one click. This makes it very easy for students to quickly gather a range of web sources they might find useful, without having to move in and out of the document.

5 Myths of STEAM_feature

5 Myths about STEAM Learning

STEM and STEAM would be one of the biggest buzz words going around education at the moment. But there are also lots of misconceptions about what it is and how to implement it effectively. Here is a list of the 5 most commonly held myths I often hear about STEAM Learning.

Flipping and blending

Flipping and blending

Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Seven years ago I started flipping my class. I wish I knew what I learnt through the process when I started, as it would have been so much easier. But really, good teaching stems from good learning. Join with me as I jump in my Delorean and go Back to the Future and share my top 10 tips gained from my journey.