Tag: Change management

juggling change in schools

Think like bees when juggling change in schools

Change that leads to new learning opportunities and improved outcomes must utilise the human resource in schools, embrace technology that redefines learning and engages the wisdom and experience of others. If we were to think more like bees when doing the buzziness, we’d actually manage the change organically just like they do

5 Myths of STEAM_feature

5 Myths about STEAM Learning

STEM and STEAM would be one of the biggest buzz words going around education at the moment. But there are also lots of misconceptions about what it is and how to implement it effectively. Here is a list of the 5 most commonly held myths I often hear about STEAM Learning.


How to choose the right STEM / STEAM tools for your school

Is your school looking at developing a STEAM Learning program? In today’s environment of limited resources, It’s crucial that schools are very intentional about which tools they invest in and choose those which are right for their students. Here are 5 things we suggest you do to help make those important decisions.

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5 Ideas For Your Student Tech Team

One way for your school to grow the digital learning capacity of its students, teachers and community is to have a student leadership group, often called ‘The Tech Team’ or even, ‘Digital Ninjas.’ Here are 5 ways that these teams can supercharge the digital learning environment in your school.

positives and negatives of educational change

Why it is important to consider both the positives and negatives of educational change

It’s naive to think that any educational change doesn’t have drawbacks of some sort. While the drawbacks won’t necessarily be a reason not to encourage change, they should always be taken into consideration and made transparent. However, in an effort to ‘sell’ a new tool, technology or teaching approach, many change advocates focus only on the upsides.

IT support

Why we need to start paying more attention to IT support in schools

When things don’t go to plan with technology in the classroom, educators need to know they can rely on someone to help them out. They also need to be confident that their technology environment won’t suddenly change unexpectedly. Having a customer-focussed, well-resourced and supportive IT department is the keystone to creating this type of confidence. Yet, too often, IT support in schools is seen as a necessary evil. Here are my four key improvements to help change that.

baby and bathwater

The baby and the bathwater

When you see or read about something new being done in education, there is a tendency of getting excited and changing direction to explore a new pedagogy. There’s nothing wrong with changing direction, but it is good to be mindful of a couple of things.

Bad or Good

Negative labelling & stereotyping of teachers who don’t adopt technology won’t help achieve change

Innovators and early adopters of technology can become frustrated when their colleagues aren’t enthusiastically embracing the new world of learning and teaching with technology. In some cases, this frustration leads to the negative labelling and stereotyping of these colleagues. In this post I share a few examples of what these labels and stereotypes might look like and the problems associated with them. Along the way I’ll also give a few suggestions for practical strategies that might be more effective in helping to achieve widespread change.