Tag: Change management

Curriculum Mapping Part III

Our trainers are asked frequently if we have a curriculum map linking Digital Technologies to other curriculum areas, across age groups and levels. The answer is yes, but not for you! Curriculum Mapping needs to be aligned with school wide strategy, values, community and more. There is no one size fits all. In order to create a meaningful, useful, relevant map that serves your learners many things must be considered. This blog series explores how you can do just that.

Curriculum Mapping Blog Part II

Our trainers are asked frequently if we have a curriculum map linking Digital Technologies to other curriculum areas, across age groups and levels. The answer is yes, but not for you! Curriculum Mapping needs to be aligned with school wide strategy, values, community and more. There is no one size fits all. In order to create a meaningful, useful, relevant map that serves your learners many things must be considered. This blog series explores how you can do just that.

Three ways to empower your students with Google Workspace

I always get so excited when I’m visiting schools and see teachers using technology in ways that EMPOWERS students and completely TRANSFORM learning! The tools they use to do this are varied but many of them are right there, within G Suite!

Here are three areas where you can use familiar tools in G Suite (and a few other free online tools) to empower the students in your classes!

It’s about respect

I feel incredibly privileged to be able to do what I do – but sometimes, just sometimes – it frustrates the heck out of me! And everytime I get this feeling, when I stop and analyse it, I realise what’s frustrating me always comes back to one word, respect. Or more often – lack of!
Why is that? Read on to find out more.

Are you seizing the moment?

I began to write this blog on a flight to Sydney. Once the meal service began there was no room for both the food and the iPad. As the iPad took a break, I began to watch ‘Rocketman’ and was struck by a line in the movie; ‘You only get so many chances in life and this is one of yours – so take it and make the most of it.’ How often do we do this in our classrooms?

Collaborative Goal Setting

Education is a demanding and complex occupation and educators can often be time poor so at the forefront of my mind when supporting a school is the importance of clarity and cohesion. These two keys elements in supporting empowering change are summed up nicely by one of my favourite Māori quotes, ‘He waka eke noa, We’re all in this together’

Know what you don’t know – Four strategies to help you take control of change

In education it seems change is the only constant. Schools are rapidly integrating new ways of teaching and learning in order to make the most of new technologies and innovative ideas. It is difficult for school leaders and teachers to stay perfectly in tune with best practice and emerging trends and as several teachers have told me this last week, ‘We just don’t know what we don’t know!’.

Improve organisational efficiency and effectiveness with the Results platform

Have you heard about one page plans, 12 week years, the 4 disciplines of execution, the Rockefeller habits? If you are looking at how to improve efficiency and need a tool or platform to bring your data to life, give visual cues to employees and keep everyone on track to hit your goals, then the results.com platform is exactly what you need.

How To Integrate the Micro:bit In Classroom Activities

How do we use STEAM tools and ideas in our everyday classroom programmes without it being just one more thing we have to include in an already incredibly busy environment? The micro:bit offers an excellent entry point. With some subtle adjustments we can begin to incorporate coding into what we are already doing.

How To Get Onboard with the New Digital Technology Curriculum

The New Zealand Digital Technologies Curriculum is now in its draft from and teachers all around NZ have begun to implement it in their classrooms. But are you one of the many teachers who are sitting there thinking about where on earth to begin with it, and how will you possibly be able to fit one more thing into your already frantic class timetable?

A Message about Learning from Stephen Hawking

When was the last time you reflected on the suite of tools that you are using? Are you a Google user or are you a Microsoft user? Or are you taking the best from each?
It was wise words from Stephen Hawking that made me rethink my approach.

technology PD more effective

Four ways schools can make their technology PD more effective

Many schools will require their teachers to undertake technology PD this year. However, most of them will probably see little change in the quantity and quality of technology integration after the PD. Why? Because the common ‘tick-off’ or ‘kick-off’ approach to professional development is not effective. Here are four ways that schools can break free of this approach and make their professional development programs better.