Get Creative With How You Reward Your Students


One of the areas of student motivation that attracts the most discussion amongst teachers is how to reward students.

I have previously witten a few posts on how to manage student rewards in such a way that the student doesn’t become more interested in the reward than in their learning.

You can read about the three strategies to rewarding students here.  The following post also looked at whether or not rewards dull creativity because they narrow the focus.

As a teacher I’m always interested in what other teachers are doing to engage and motivate their students and was wondering the best way to share these ideas with other teachers.

The best method I can think of is by having teachers share their ideas in the comment sections below.  That way every time the comment is updated anyone who has shared an idea will be updated automatically.

I’ll add a few ideas below to get the ball rolling and would love it if you would share your ideas as well.

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