Inserting YouTube Videos in a Google Site

**UPDATED VERSION OF THIS POST available here. In this new version, learn how to insert YouTube and Google Drive videos into the new Google Sites.**

In this video we will show you the process for inserting YouTube videos in a Google site so that they will play on an iPad.


0:56 Change the size of the video, include a border, change the title

1:18 You can go back to properties anytime to edit your video’s settings

Youtube for Schools

1:58 For using Youtube in schools, you can check

2:17 Removes comments and ads, a much cleaner interface

YouTube Channel For Your School

2:51 Upload video

2:57 Change privacy to unlisted so it’s not searchable in the Youtube database

2:58 Share URL to students

3:31 Create different playlists


Hi Terry it’s Mike Reading. Rather than writing a long email I thought it just might be easier to create a quick demo video so that I can explain to you how to insert a YouTube video into a Google site so that it will still work on an iPad.

So here’s what we do. I’ve logged into my account. I’ve clicked on sites and I’m just going to choose one of the demo sites that we use all of the time.

So to insert the video we simply just come up to the top here, click on the edit page button just at the top and then I click on insert and then I come down to the bottom here and I click on YouTube.

Now what we need to do is we need to just get a YouTube URL. So I’m just going to grab this particular one here and go back to my site and paste that YouTube URL in there.

Now some of the things we can do is we can change the size of the video. We can include a boarder and we can also change the title. So, this one is about street view. So I’m just going to click on street view, and click save. So you’ll see now that the video is here. I can go back to those properties just by clicking on that little cog and it will take us back there.

I can change the placing and the justification just using these buttons here. You can wrap text around your video and you can also delete your video there. So once we have got it how we like it we just click on save and that YouTube clip is now imbedded. So we’re not necessarily grabbing an embed code and putting that into the site. We’re just rather inserting a video that way from YouTube.

Now you’ve also asked about YouTube and setting that up in a primary school setting.

One of the things I would suggest that you do is that you would have a look at This is YouTube for schools. Basically you can sign up here and create an account and in that way you can leave YouTube blocked for your students but open up a portal for YouTube for schools.

Now YouTube for schools removes all the comments and all the ads and so it gives you a much cleaner interface and all the videos there are guaranteed to be educational quality and have educational value. So you can do that for your school and that might be another way around it.

The other thing that you can do for your teachers is they can all have a YouTube channel attached to their Google account.

So for instance if a teacher made a video they would simply come in here, click the upload button like you would normally do but one of the things they could do if they wanted to keep that video out of the public arena is just change the privacy here to unlisted. Then what they would do is simply give those their students the URL from that particular video and the students could still watch it but it’s not going to be searchable in the YouTube data base.

So every teacher could make a list of unlisted videos in their YouTube channel or what you could also do is create a generic account, like videos@yourschool, as a Google account, and then you would have YouTube channel that would go with that.

The other thing that you could do is create multiple playlists for different students and so you might have a certain number of videos for U1, certain number of videos for U2 and so on and so those videos would sit inside that playlist and then they could then be listed publicly or unlisted publicly, whichever way you’d like to go about that.

So hopefully that helps. If you’ve got any other questions please just let me know if the comment section below.

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