Infographic: The Rapid Growth of Google Apps For Education

For those of you who like infographics, here is an interesting infographic showing the rapid growth of Google Apps for Education:

The infographic was created a few months ago.  Since then, the Malaysian Government have signed up every school student and teacher to Google Apps, as have many other school districts.

If you would like to see how your school can easily ‘go Google’ just let us know by sending us a message.  We have a simple document that shows you step by step how to sign up for a free Google Apps For Education account.

At the bottom of this infographic I share a resource that allows you or your students to easily create your own infographics.


Getting Schooled by Google � the Growth of Google Apps for Education



If you would like to know how you or your students can easily create your own infographic posters, you can see this blog post which shows you a number of infographic creation sites and then reviews my favourite site to use.




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