Five Educational Videos To Get You Thinking

I love educational videos that make me think.

Below are five educational videos that will make you think about how you relate to your students as well as how you respond to pressure.

The first of the five educational videos is a short three minute TED talk by Derek Sivers.  I blogged about this video about a month ago and caused quite a discussion in some of the LinkedIn groups I am a part of.  The main idea is that we need to teach our students how to think.

My favourite quote from this talk is found at 2:26

“Let’s never forget that whatever brilliant ideas you have or hear, that the opposite may also be true.”


The second video is not an educational video in a strict sense but it so clearly communicates the power of our words.

The video goes for 1:48


This next educational video looks at where does good ideas come from.  Steven Johnson looks particularly at the spaces that allow creative thoughts to emerge.

I won’t spoil the learning for you, but he does touch on what effect the internet is having on thinking; quite interesting.  I would encourage you to think about your own learning space and the ways in which your students connect after watching the video.



This forth video is probably the most controversial of all of the educational videos.  It is an interesting piece on the role of schools.  Seth Godin is one of the foremost thinkers of this generation.  When he speaks, people listen.

In this four minute video Seth talks about how he thinks that education was a conspiracy invented by industrialists.

The more I travel, the more I am bumping into ideas like the ones discussed here.



In the last of these educational videos, you can discover a little bit about augmented reality and where this might be going in the classroom.  It is an ad for a company that is designing the cameras but it is the clearest example of what you can do.



As a bonus video you can check out how GE is using this technology and have a bit of fun with it with your students, especially if you are teaching energy or green technology.  You can go to their website to access the printout.




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