Check spelling in a Gmail message

**UPDATE AUGUST 2019: Gmail now has auto spelling and grammar correction! You can learn more about this feature in the G Suite Updates announcement.**

In the rush to reply to all the emails we receive, it’s easy to overlook common spelling mistakes or typing errors. Whilst Gmail does not have as-you-type spell-check built-in, it does have another little known spell-check feature that is useful. You can also use your browser’s as-you-type spell checking to show those squiggly lines we’ve all become used to seeing under misspelled words.

Here’s how to use these tools.

Gmail spell check

1. Click the More options drop-down arrow in the bottom right of the compose window (next to the trash icon).
2. Select Check spelling from the menu.
3. Gmail will highlight the misspelled words. Click the highlighted word to view suggestions or ignore.

Browser spell checking


You can find information on using the Chrome spell check feature here (use the instructions for changing language settings and be sure to tick the ‘Enable spell checking’ option). For those who do not want the US spelling of words, be sure to also install the English language relevant to your country.


You can find information on using the Firefox spell check feature here. Again, you may need to add the dictionary relevant to your country.

Internet Explorer

Only Internet Explorer 10 or later has a built-in spell-check feature. Earlier versions require a third-party add-on (such as or ieSpell ). To access the spell check feature in IE10+, select the Tools icon and Manage add-ons. In the Spelling Correction section you can enable/disable spell check, and install more dictionaries.


The Safari spell check can be enabled from the Edit > Spelling and Grammar menu by selecting the Check Spelling While Typing option.

Tired of opening your inbox and being overwhelmed by a seemingly never ending list of emails? Frustrated with trying to keep your inbox organised and find what you’re looking for amongst the chaos? Our Get efficient with Gmail the SMART way online course can help you take back control of your Gmail inbox for good!

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