Category: Leadership

Want to save time? Get to know your keyboard shortcuts

Ever wondered how you could save some time and be more efficient with your workflow? One solution could be to use keyboard shortcuts and save yourself an average of 8 days per year! Yes, 8 days! How was that calculated and what can you do with this information? Read on to find out.

Blogger for Teacher Appraisal

Using Google Blogger is not only a great way to reflect on your practice but it also offers an efficient way to align samples of your practice with the Teaching Standards. I have seen many teacher blogs which are done on Google Slides or Sites but the awesome thing about Blogger is that you can label your evidence with the Teaching Standards.

How to make your handwriting editable text

Sometimes it’s simply quicker and easier to hand write the notes you want to take. But what happens to them once you’ve written them? Well here’s 2 ways to save those notes and make them editable text at the same time.

Know what you don’t know – Four strategies to help you take control of change

In education it seems change is the only constant. Schools are rapidly integrating new ways of teaching and learning in order to make the most of new technologies and innovative ideas. It is difficult for school leaders and teachers to stay perfectly in tune with best practice and emerging trends and as several teachers have told me this last week, ‘We just don’t know what we don’t know!’.

Improve organisational efficiency and effectiveness with the Results platform

Have you heard about one page plans, 12 week years, the 4 disciplines of execution, the Rockefeller habits? If you are looking at how to improve efficiency and need a tool or platform to bring your data to life, give visual cues to employees and keep everyone on track to hit your goals, then the platform is exactly what you need.

Why Doing One Thing is a Good Thing

What is potentially the most common phrase ever spoken by teachers?
“I’m just so busy! There’s never enough time.”
And they would be right. It can be a frantic job. That’s why doing just one thing might be just what is needed. Read on to see what I mean.

Back to Basics

Copy, paste, undo, refresh, right click (secondary click), resizing an image, opening a new tab, drag and drop…….. basics right?!?!?! Just like riding a bike! Driving a car!

But, we all had to learn to ride that bike and drive that car. Who’s teaching you, your colleagues or your students these seemingly basic skills?

technology PD more effective

Four ways schools can make their technology PD more effective

Many schools will require their teachers to undertake technology PD this year. However, most of them will probably see little change in the quantity and quality of technology integration after the PD. Why? Because the common ‘tick-off’ or ‘kick-off’ approach to professional development is not effective. Here are four ways that schools can break free of this approach and make their professional development programs better.

juggling change in schools

Think like bees when juggling change in schools

Change that leads to new learning opportunities and improved outcomes must utilise the human resource in schools, embrace technology that redefines learning and engages the wisdom and experience of others. If we were to think more like bees when doing the buzziness, we’d actually manage the change organically just like they do


Why the ‘Why’ is Critical for your School’s Steam Learning Program

For most teachers and educational leaders, the STEAM acronym conjures images of robots, computers and scientific equipment. There’s no doubt that these tools can often be found in a classroom engaged in STEAM learning. But it can be far too easy to be blinded by the ‘whats’ and ‘hows’, without considering your vision or ‘why.’ Here are 3 reasons why you should consider YOUR ‘why’ of STEAM before you think about anything else.

Don’t want to ready the whole article? Here’s a quick summary:

Your ‘why’ will drive your ‘whats’ and ‘how’s.’
Your purpose indicates your values and beliefs and this is what people are drawn to.
Your vision helps people see through the pain of change.