BYOD Symposium: Discover what is working with BYOD in Schools

For many schools, BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Disaster.

The educational landscape is becoming increasingly complex for teachers and school executives.  There are more teaching methods, programs, syllabus documents & courses available than ever before.  In addition to this, schools are also wrestling with how to best integrate technology into the curriculum.

The Using Technology Better team work directly with over 300 schools a year, and indirectly with close to 1000 (through combined PD courses etc).

The story is the same across all these schools.

1.  Principals and teachers responsible for developing a technology plan are struggling to find unbiased advice that isn’t a thinly veiled sales pitch for a product.

2.  Often schools are showcased as exemplary models of how things should be done (yet the model rarely works in other contexts)

3.  You find it hard to find research based evidence that clearly shows what is working [and what isn’t] AND when you find something that seems to work, the technology changes and your model seems obsolete.

We can’t make your job easier, but we can make it more sustainable

We wanted to do something to cut through the noise and bring some clarity to the BYOD debate, so we created the BYOD Symposium.

The Using Technology Better BYOD Symposium has brought together some of Australia’s foremost thinkers and researchers to talk about ICT research, creating and executing a technology plan that will serve you now and into the future.


Work out what success looks like for your school

We’ve designed an event that will cut through the noise and inform you of the latest research in a ‘no bull’ way.

You will hear from:

  • McKinnon Secondary College about their technology journey from a traditional pen and paper school to a 1:1 school with Chromebooks
  • Research professors from Monash University about the flaws of ICT research and how to remove clutter and discern what is relevant.
  • Travis Smith, A deputy Principal who delivered Australia’s first 1:1 technology plan in a government school, now working as the education expert at Microsoft, will discuss the future of educational design and how future computer design will influence education in the near future.
  •  Australia’s only Google Certified Teacher and Trainer and Microsoft Master Educator Mike Reading will talk about improving learning outcomes and how your school can be truly future ready in a world that is changing rapidly.

Get ahead of the curve:

You won’t hear the usual content often regurgitated at technology conferences.  You will hear a fresh perspective and current thinking.  Other presenter will be talking about this in 2 years time.

All presenters have been hand picked for their expertise and results they are getting as they work with schools and education departments.

Ask your questions:

Each presenter will be available to answer your questions in the breaks and at our ‘ask the panel’ session.

This event is now over, you can watch the replay in our Teachers Library

The Teachers library is our online collection of training resources where you can watch the recordings and ask your questions.

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