Apple Shorts – Episode 1 – Notes

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Transcript: Apple Shorts – Episode 1 – Notes

Good day and welcome to this episode of Apple shorts.  I’m Adrian from Using Technology Better and in under four minutes you’re going to learn some new tips or tricks that you can use straight away. That’s right, in less time that it takes to make two batches of two minute noodles, you will walk away with a new skill that you can use straight away. So let’s jump in and see what we’re going to learn. In this episode, we’re going to look at Notes and how that can work on your IOS device as well as on your desktop. We’re going to be looking at scanning and markup, searching, organising your notes and drag and dropping on an iPad. [bctt tweet=”Watch the video to learn how to use Apple Notes on your IOS device as well as on your desktop. In less time than it takes to make two batches of 2 minute noodles, you will walk away with a new skill that you can use straight away.” username=”adifrancis”]

Apple Notes

To scan a document into notes. You will open up the note. Go to the plus button down the bottom, and it will pull a menu where you can scan documents. When you hit that, your camera will be activated and try to line up on the document that you’ve got when it’s in the right position, it will have a yellow box to highlight it. Take a photo of the image and what it does it scans it in and puts it straight into notes. Then you go to the “Share” button on the top right side and tap that, and what that does is to open up the menu which enables you to choose markup. So once you tap that scroll across in the bottom hit markup. Choose the pen that you want or the color that you want you can sign in the document. When you’ve done that, hit done and then go to the share button again and you can go create PDF.

This will now convert it to a PDF, and then the bottom you can share again and you can share it to email. So adding email address it will attach the document has been signed into the email address. Once it has sent, you then have the ability to either leave it inside to your notes or save to your files.

Apple Notes Search

To search for things in Notes it’s relatively simple. Go to Notes and pull the window down and there’s a search bar at the top. Whatever you type in there will be searched for within all your Notes. So I just typed in the word dog, and it’s searching my handwriting as well. And you’ll notice this document I come down, there’s the word dog there that it searched. The handwriting does have to be relatively legible but it will search that as well, as well as every other word ‘dog’ mentioned inside Notes. So that is quite a handy way of searching for things. The other way can search is to go down to the bottom left-hand side where four squares are and this will search through all your attachments across all your Notes as well as your audio files, your documents you have inserted and websites. If you find a video of something that you like, if you just hold your finger on it, it will say open or showing Notes. If you open it will play directly from there. If you go show in Notes, it will take you to the Notes. Then you hit play, it will run normally as a video inside your Notes. So two ways of searching, easily finding anything that you’ve got in Notes. Very very handy. [Tweet “You can search handwriting, text and attachments, including audio and video in Apple Notes.”]

Apple Notes Organising

To save your Notes to your files, open up a Note inside your Notes. Go to share button on top. Scroll across to the right-hand side until you get to save the files. Click on that it bring up all your files that you have. Choose the one that you want to go to tap “Add” and the file is saved.

Apple Notes drag and drop

To cut and paste from Notes into Pages, just open up Pages or the app you’re working in. Bring keyboard down, swipe up the bottom. Open up the Notes and drag and drop so you can multitask. Select what you want to do in your Notes. Let’s just grab a chunk here. Go copy. Go across to here. Hold your finger down and it just cuts and pastes. To drag and drop from one app into Notes,  let’s say Safari, open up Safari find a website that we like. Once again swipe up from the bottom. Hold down Notes drop in there. Let’s grab this note here and go down to the bottom we just grab, highlight, tap and hold the website you can drop it there. Then drop again for us and actually load up an image of the site. The other thing we can do is come across to here we can highlight the bits that you like,  inside this app and we can just drag it and go to a lighter box like that, we can come across and we can drop it straight into Notes like that.

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