How Teachers Can Use Twitter to Maximise Their Professional Learning

rp_twitter_in_the_classroom_2.jpgIn the last post we looked at the basics of how to use twitter to connect with other teachers, whilst avoiding some of the pitfalls and time wasters.

One of the strategies we looked at was the use of hashtags (#). There are hundreds of hashtags specifically related to teaching. Originally I was going to list all the hashtags I have come across, but quickly realised that this would just be a case of information overload for a twitter newbie. As a result I have included in the list below the most popular teaching hashtags that in a range of educational areas and will create a spreadsheet listing all of the hashtags available in the near future.

Here are the most popular teaching hashtags:

General teaching and learning

#Edtech – anything to do with technology in the classroom
#education – anything to do with education
#elearning – mostly about computer based learning, although also covers anything to do with the ‘e’ role in learning
#teachers – focuses on the teacher
#edchat – a weekly and lively discussion about all things education
#ntchat – resources for new teachers
#teachmeet – connecting teachers
#ukedchat – UK teacher chat
#ozteachers – Australian teacher chat
#gct – Google certified teachers
#ednews – news feed
#ceoelearn – Catholic education chat (very active resource feed)

Subject or role specific

#elemchat – elementary teacher chat
#mathchat – math teacher chat
#scichat – science teacher chat
#college chat – for teachers of college students
#kinderchat – kindergarten chat
#cpchat – connected principals chat
#bio – biology chat (can get mixed results)
#tlchat – teacher librarians chat
#spedchat – teachers working in special ed
#kedu – another kindergarten hashtag

(For subject specific hashtags you can just put a hash tag and then your subject. for example #health, #art etc)

What would you add? Let us know in the comment section below

UPDATE:  You can add your teaching # to the following list HERE and add your name to a list of teachers using twitter HERE

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