Improve organisational efficiency and effectiveness with the Results platform

The platform is a great tool for education, corporate, and for government organisations.  I looked everywhere for a tool and platform to help us organise our company around the Rockefeller Habits.  The Results platform was just what we were looking for.

Originally we had a patchwork of tools and systems developed to help us be more agile, visualise progress and data, but the Results platform brings all of this together in one place.

Check out the short video below to see why this is one of our favourite tools.

You can find out more about the Results platform and book a demonstration HERE

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Introduction to platform

Today I wanted to show you one of my absolute most favourite tools to use to bring your team together, to get everybody on the same page, to lift the data up out of our systems, and make information accessible for team leaders, and basically just help us reach out goals.

You may have read books like the twelve week year, maybe books like the 4 disciplines of execution, and maybe read a bit about the rockefeller habits, and books like scaling up.  They all talk about getting at team to rally around the goal and then to be able to execute on that goal to reach the plans that we have set.

Whether you’re organising yearly goals, quarterly goals, monthly goals, or you might have a range of different teams that you are overseeing; one of the hardest things as a team leader is to get a quick sense of where everybody is at so that you can direct your attention and conversations in meetings to keep that momentum going towards the goals.

This is a tool called Results.  I have looked at all the different apps, and all the different programs, to help bring our data into a dashboard and couldn’t find something that worked for me until I came across this.

Goal dashboard:

So here you can see I’m in my dashboard, and you can see these are the goals that I’ve stared.  There are a number of goals across the organisation that I get visibility over. You can see here that I can very quickly see which goals are in the red, which are in the orange, which are in the green.

There’s a range of different goals. Some of them are numerical, some of them percentage, and generally they aggregated based on how many tasks have to be done, and how far you are into that task.

So what I do as an employee is log into my results dashboard, I can see which goals I’m working on in different teams I’m involved in. I can see which goal that I should really give my attention to.  On the right-hand side I can see my upcoming meetings.

There is also a chat feature like slack, and we’ve also got my tasks that I need to do. If these tasks are in the red then they are overdue, and, I need to be having a look at that and then I have some tasks that are off in the future that I can work towards.

So again, you can see that this is a really nice way for me as an employee to direct my attention to the things that matter, and get out of that whirlwind and focus on the twelve week goals.

Setting up your Goal dashboard:

So to show you how we set all of these up.  If I go to the metrics and the project section here. This is where the team leader, I can set up all the different teams, and then I can assign people to each team.  Then as a team we can come up with the goals that we’re going to work towards, what tasks might be used to reach that goal, and then be able to start to work towards those goals.

There’s a couple symbols that you do need be aware of, and again this is not a deep dive, this is just to show you some of the features and functions.

You can have goals within a goal.  When I was to click on this little symbol over here, you can see that there is a project, a goal that we’re working towards which will lead to the bigger goals.  You have your overall goal, and then your twelve week goals  and so so.

Communication around your goals:

Another great feature is that you have a really nice chat function that’s built in with each of your goals, so anything that
we’re doing around this goal just sits attached to that goals so you’re not digging through other platforms and emails to try and find a you communication – everything is right there.


Goal data overview:

So, this is our data section of the goal, and you can see here’s a data for this particular date. You can update the data manually, so they just come into the data tag, and then I would just update the infomation and put in a comment if I wanted to.

If I want to add a task to that goal, all I have to do is click on new task and enter the task and put a bit of a description in there. Next you put a due date, and tag who is as responsible (you can assign multiple people), and then click create a task.

All those tasks are all wrapped up in the overall goal page, but they also sit on each person’s individual dashboard which is really, really nice.

One of the other great things that you can do in terms of these teams is that you can assign different people to different teams.  These team members can have different rights within that team as well so really, really nice and handy.


Slack like chat integrated into the platform:

In terms of the ability to chat and collaborate around particular goals, we can do all that in the connections and the collaboration section. You have a chat channel with each one of your particular teams, so this is a general channel discussion.

You can also organise your chat messages around a particular goal if you want, and then you can also create your own chat groups and personalise those how you like. You can see we’ve got random fun channel, and the whole range of different things in here and then you have a different functions.  You also have direct messaging chat.

So a slack like functionality where all your chat is wrapped up in the same platform at keeps everything’s set, secure and in the same place is such a great feature that unifies team around a common purpose.


A one page plan for your business:

I can set up my one-page plan with this step by step guide.  Here are all the elements that go into having a great vision a great business plan going forward.  The process walks you through everything from looking at right now, through to three to five years down the track, and further.  You also have tools such as SWOT analysis built in.

When you combine these with the goals we have just spoken about, you can see the goals are also pulled into your one page plan.  Your  current strategic projects are also visible, as well as your twelve week year.  So this is pulling live data in, and everyone has access to the most current and accurate information.

If you haven’t heard of the one page plan, or you want updated training on all of these different elements, there is training and workbooks associated with each area of your one page plan built in.

You can also find out more about one page plans HERE. (Seriously, do the training and get the plan, it will be the best thing you can do to organise your business)


Meetings with impact:

One of my favourite features is the meetings feature and. If you read anything about the rockefeller habits, about daily huddles and so on, you’ll know that what we want to do is we want to make an meetings as effective as possible, so we keep them short and succinct.

In the meetings with impact framework, we’re only talking about the things that matter, and we have real-live up-to-date data which informs any discussions being made in that meeting.

People come prepared for that meeting, and the results platform integration of the meeting software enables you to create an meeting right here inside the platform.  You can make it a recurring meeting, or one off.  As you are creating the meeting, you can invite people to the meeting and have that invite push out into their calendars.

A great feature is that you can create create your meeting either from a template that you’ve created, or you can go in and create your own customised meeting agenda with the meeting generator.

In this example, you’re going to start off with a daily huddle which may go for seven minutes, and then we want to have a look at our team review for a particular goal.  We might spend fifteen minutes looking at a particular goal. Once we have added all the elements for our meeting, you can see it totals up the amount of time that the meeting will go for.

One of the best features for our company has been the facilitation of remote workforce meetings.  Even if a member can’t be present online, they will still have access to all the meeting notes, tasks generated etc.  We all connect via Zoom and each person has the meeting page in the results platform open.

To make your meetings efficient, all staff pre-populate the fields before the meeting, so when the meeting starts we can get straight down to business.

If I just click on this little grey bar here on the right, you’ll see that there’s some different icons. If I wanted to see the agenda for today, that’s it right there, and I can see see who’s attending.  You can see that all your goals are also sitting right here with all the latest data so when we are doing the goal review,  I can pull up any one of the goals that we’re working towards.

Reviewing team goals in your meeting:

This is an example of our online training goal, and I can see that this goal is in the red at the moment.  I can click on this goal and open it and I can have all the data sitting in here, linked to my meeting notes.  I can come through and I can add data live in the meeting and keep things up-to-date if I wanted.

In the meeting I can ask, “What’s one thing that we can do to get this into the green?”  Then I could create a task right here in inside the meeting so everything gets added. We also have the ability to add some general comments, make decisions on things, and we can put things in the parking lot.  The parking lot is a space for items that someone brings up and we don’t want to address it right then, we can just park it and come back to it.

You can see that the Results platform is an amazing tool.  There are more features than I can show you in this quick demo, but hopefully this is enough for you to want to take a deeper look.

If you want some more details,  click HERE and I am more than happy to jump on and do a live demonstration with you and answer all of your questions.

I am really looking forward to helping you increase your effectiveness as an organisation. So let’s chat soon about how results might be a help you become a better leader and for your teams to achieve your goals.

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