The future of emerging technology and it’s effect on our students

I came across the following info-graphic from the fast company website this morning which made me think about the future of emerging technology and it’s effect on our students.

You will see that the picture is broken up into different fields such as artificial intelligence, biotech, minerals, space etc.


Here are some interesting predictions about what role technology will play in our future.  When you look at this list, think through the job roles this will create for our students and how the skills needed by our students will change from what is needed in 2012.

2015 – The ability to print organs and transplant them into patients

2017 Synthetic blood will be used

2018 – Self driving vehicles

2019 – Space tourism

 2020 – Weather engineering and virtual farming

2026 – Interplanetary internet  (I vaguely remember hearing that Google already has plans to put internet on the moon and mars).  They certainly have plans to advertise on the moon – see this article I’m not sure I want to be looking at the moon only to see the Google logo!

2030 – We will be immersed in virtual reality

After 2030 – Retinal screens will be in use

Some teachers would use information like this to argue that we need to keep up with the technological change.  I dis-agree.

I think the key as teachers when we look at the future is not to get stressed about teaching technology; there is no way a teacher can keep up!  Instead of focusing on the technology, teachers would be far better focusing their efforts on teaching our students to solve problems and adapt to the rapidly changing world around them.

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Tomorrow I will show you another info-graphic of how these emerging technologies might be implemented in the classroom.

How do you see the emerging technology affecting your students? Are you concerned about the future?


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