The Using Technology Better Show – Episode 8: Tools of the Trade

For the UTB Show’s final episode, we’ve pulled out all the stops by rounding up the whole UTB training team who share their favourite tech tools (cue delightful track “My Favourite Things” from The Sound of Music). These tools really are better than “raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens”!

Each trainer gives a super quick tutorial highlighting the benefits of their favourite tool.

You’ll see a little healthy rivalry amongst the trainers as to who can showcase the best features! Which tool is your favourite? Can you guess which trainer claims their favourite tool will “change your life in under 10 seconds”?

Nicole – Google Keep
Adrian – Camera on any device
Paul – Keynote drawings on iPad
Donna – Mote Chrome extension
Karla – Gmail schedule send feature

In the second half, UTB Head Honcho, Mike shares some exciting developments within the company over the past 6 months.

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