Be The Tech Guide Your Customers Need

Help your customers to be fully satisfied with their purchases and get the most from their tech tools…then watch them keep coming back for renewals and upgrades!

Lack. Of. Training.

People can’t get the most out of tech tools if they’re not shown how to use them effectively.

Does this sound familiar?​


You’ve done your bit, kitted the customer out with some great hardware or got them up and running on a new cloud platform. Theoretically, they should be good to go right? Ready to reap the benefits of their new tools!

But before too long, your meetings with them are peppered by complaints. The hardware’s not working properly, or it’s too difficult to use. People are frustrated with the new platform, productivity seems to be suffering.

Management are starting to doubt their investment. Your chances of hardware or licence renewals are under threat.

What went wrong?!?

Standish Research and other estimates say

Only 20% of software features are often used,
while 50% of features are hardly ever or never used

What's the solution?

Tech training that educates the customer on how to:

Use the tools productively and efficiently

Get the most from the tech tools

Use the right tech for the task/project at hand

What this means?

How do you achieve this without a presentation
snoozefest? You partner with
Using Technology Better.

The UTB Way


We Listen

We ask the right questions and
listen to your challenges.


We Customise

We customise a training program
to help your team succeed.


We Deliver

We empower your team to get the most from your technology.

Schedule a call with our team today

What achieves this success?

(Aside from our good-looking, clever customers?)

Our Consultative

We take an owner’s mindset which
means we’ll do what is best for
your context and people.


Our Delivery

We have a strict no geek speak, no
snoozefest presentations and
certainly no training for the sake of
training policy; aka we can read a
room and adapt.


Our Focus On
The Human Side

Less about the tools and more about how your team are using them.

Ready to get the most out of your software licensing?
Schedule a call with our team today