Book A Free Discovery Call

You don’t know, what you don’t know… until you do know! And you’ll be so happy you now know. And so will your team members and your boss #legend
Let’s close the skill gaps in your team! Hello happier humans and cheers to getting things done better, faster.


Here Is What You Can Expect On The Call

We take the guesswork out of training so your business can grow. On this call we will help you identify the skills gaps in your business and provide a training program that will close the gaps. Here’s how we like to approach it:

We have the conversation

You can rest assured, we're here to listen first and foremost. Share with us what's happening in your organisation, your team.

We ask the right questions

Sometimes you don't know what's missing or what you need. That's ok. We've been around the block enough times to know exactly what questions to ask to help map out what you need to succeed.

We map out the training options

We run you through what type of training sessions would best suit your team, taking into account the fact humans have varying learning habits (yes, we're ex-educators and understanding learning habits).

We answer any questions you might have

You may have a lot. You may not have any. Either way, we're here for it and won't stop until you're confident you have the right training program for your team.

We summarise & send you the training proposal

We wrap up the call, making sure we've captured what success looks like for you and no questions go unanswered. Next, we follow up with you soon after to take you through your training program.

Who Is The Call A Good Fit For?

Team Leaders

Looking to make sure their team have the skills they need to be empowered to get the most out of their technology.

Project Managers

Migrating end-users to a new platform and looking for training to upskill and empower staff.

IT Managers

Responsible for the successful adoption of new or existing technology.

Deployment Partners

Actively seeking to provide their clients with end to end service.

School Leaders

Looking to provide their teachers with the support and skills required to feel empowered to do their best work with technology in the classroom.


Looking to collaborate and provide opportunities for customers to get the most out of their technology.

We're Trusted By Smart Companies Like:

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Here's What Our Happy Clients Are Saying



















What achieves this success?

(Aside from our good-looking, clever customers?)

Our Consultative

We take an owner’s mindset which
means we’ll do what is best for
your context and people.


Our Delivery

We have a strict no geek speak, no
snoozefest presentations and
certainly no training for the sake of
training policy; aka we can read a
room and adapt.


Our Focus On
The Human Side

Less about the tools and more about how your team are using them.

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Schedule a call with our team today

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost is dependant on the length of training and we have various pricing models to make this cost effective.

The length of training will depend on the FREE scoping we do of the clients needs.

Absolutely, we tailor the training to meet your objectives.

We have a number of tools that we can implement into your setting to gauge how far the dial has shifted through our training.

We tailor our training to meet the needs and abilities of your staff. This may mean groups are organised into level of ability, one on one training, live demonstrations and more.

Yes! we have a whole platform dedicated to this. Click here to access our online training and courses. 

We tailor the training to meet your needs. We will scope out the opportunity and keep you informed throughout this journey.

We will work with your organisation to tailor what will be the best fit for your staff and their time.

In-person, online or a combination of both. Your organisation, your people, your training preference. 

So... If You’re
Finally Ready To:

Say Goodbye To Boring IT Sessions…
Boost The Performance of Your Teams…
Get Confident With Technology…
& Have Fun Doing It…

Start the conversation today,
for happier humans tomorrow.